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Our 2024 Artisan Design Team was coming to an end, and it was time to show appreciation to our leader, Cindy Schuster. With the help of Elizabeth Price, coordinating the project, we all submitted two pages for the 6″ X 8″ pocket style scrapbook album. Our assignment was to create a spread based on our favorite Artisan submission this past year. I chose the Artisan Road Trip, because it was such a fun project, learning about everyone’s hometown.

By Su Mohr; Click to go to my website for details! Featuring: 6" X 8" album, photo pocket pages; #artisandesignteam #2024ADT #photoalbum #pocketpages #thankyou #cindyschuster

Pocket Album Thank you Gift


Click the picture to see my original blog post:


As the saying goes; “once an Artisan, always an Artisan,” and I was invited to be part of the Artisan group that designs for Stampin’ Fancy Friday. The topic for January is “Bold & Bright,” and you’ll see my designs on Instagram this Sat (1/4), and my blog post this Sunday (1/5). I will always enjoys sharing my creations with you, my blog followers! Let’s make 2025 the best year ever!

My January Host Code Gift

Place an order of $75.00 or more, before tax and shipping, and I will send you a surprise!  Please add my 8 digit Host Code to your order (found beneath my profile picture).


Thank you for stopping by.




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